Have you heard of a guy named Adrian Cheng but didn't know who he was? If so, here is an article that gives a little history of his life. Read its contents for more details.
Birth and training
To get to know him better, it is important to start from the base where it all began. Adrian Cheng was born in the 1979s in China. Many people don't know this, but he is the child of the real estate developer known as Henry Cheng. Cheng Yu-tung is undoubtedly his grandfather. To get to where he is today, Adrian Cheng has undergone many training in his country and sometimes outside his country. As you know, in the field of entrepreneurship, you never stop learning. He is a man who is always seeking knowledge to develop new and more reliable strategies. To be able to succeed like him, you can follow him all over social networks and media to benefit from his expertise on a daily basis.
Professional Life
Adrian is a great Chinese entrepreneur who has set up many projects. Most of them have been wildly successful all over the world. He holds the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in the large company New World Development. In the same company, Adrian is Executive Vice President. Outside of this large company, he is involved in several other projects in China, especially in Hong Kong. He is an entrepreneur who keeps innovating day by day. This is why he has a large audience that admires him. Dedicated in his work, he goes to the end of his ideas. He organizes conferences around the world to inspire young people who want to undertake like him. You can go there if the opportunity arises in your area.